This is part of a series of introductory articles. Where I try to explain basic concepts of competitive debating.
What points of information are
What points of information are
A “Point of Information” (POI) is when a speaker on the
opposite side of the table offers a short contribution to a speech, normally
consisting of a question or comment of around 15 seconds duration. Points of
information are one of the things that makes British Parliamentary debating
more interesting and dynamic as a format, as it allows speakers to engage with
one another's arguments throughout the debate, not just during their own speeches.
These are distinct from Points of clarification,
which are specifically for during a speech from first proposition where they
are outlining their definition and mechanism. The purpose of which is to
clarify the mechanism that is being set out so that the debate can go smoothly for everyone. It is generally accepted that people should accept
points of clarification when offered in order to make sure their position is
clear and the debate goes well for everyone. Attempting to use points of
clarification as a cover for points of information is considered extremely bad
Offering points of information
Note that you are not allowed to say “On economic instability” or something similar. This is known as 'headlining' and is considered an illegitimate way to insert your own points into an opponents speech without their consent.
Please maintain a level of politeness at all times when
offering your point. You are asking a speaker for their permission to take time
out of their speech to make a contribution and they are entirely within their
rights to accept and refuse on their own whims. Offering POIs aggressively or
excessively often in order to force a speaker to take you or to put them off of
their speech is not allowed. A good general rule is to wait 15 seconds between
offering POIs.
In order to make POIs as effective as possible I recommend
preparing them beforehand in the same manner you would for a point in your own
speech. It is also useful to share them with your partner (either by whispering
or writing them down) so that you can decide on the most important point for
you to make at that point in the debate and
Accepting POIs
In general you are under no obligation to take Points of
Information. However continuously refusing to shows an unwillingness to engage
and a lack of confidence in your material. (Think of politicians dodging
questions). However taking too many can leave you with little time to cover
your own material and disrupt the flow of your speech. In general I would recommend taking at
least 1 and at most 2 POIs in a 5 minute speech.
It is generally best to take a point at the end of a major
point so that it doesn't overly disrupt your speech. You are allowed to ask a
speaker to wait when they offer a point (by saying something like “In a
moment”) but its a little mean to leave them standing for too long. You are
also allowed to cut a speaker off politely when their point is going on for too
Taking a POI can be a very good way to demonstrate your abilities, replying to it well can demonstrate your ability to respond on your feet and understanding of your arguments. Also it allows you to deal with a weakness in your argument that they point out and make it overall better (so hopefully you can win more).
Different tactical uses of POIs
This list is not by any means exhaustive, but should give
you a general overview of the most common and useful ways to use POIs.
Direct attacks
These are the most commonly offered type of POI, where you
directly challenge what the speaker is saying at a particular time. When this
works it can be devastating, but it is generally difficult to do in practice as
speakers have a lot more time to respond to your point than you have to offer
it. Also debaters have a tendency to stand up immediately in response to a
point without thinking it through (my prior comment about preparing POIs in
advance can help with this).
concessions – These are very strategically useful but difficult to implement.
In these cases you ask a speaker a question in such a way that it forces them
to concede an important point that you can use later in your own speech. E.g.
You ask “Do you believe the state's first duty is protection of the most
vulnerable?” They reply yes, then you show in your speech that your side better
does that. Or ask them to take a position on a particularly problematic or
controversial example.
Look at my stuff!
This serves to force a speaker to engage with your material
and make the judges aware of it. It can be done in two slightly different ways
depending if you are offering it to a speaker before of after you.
an extension – If you are POI-ing a speaker above you on the table (e.g.
the first proposition team if you are in 2nd opposition) it can be
useful to bring up a point that you are planning to use in your extension to
gauge their reaction to it so you can combat those arguments. This is of course
risky if they are able to completely defeat your point, however my personal feeling
is that in these cases the point would have likely fallen later on anyway and
it is better to repair it or to deploy another better point. There is also a risk of a good top half team stealing the point.
what I said – When are POI-ing a speaker further down the table from you
(e.g. 2nd Opposition when you are in 1st Proposition) it
can be useful to bring up material you previously discussed in you or your
partner's speech. E.g. “We explained to you why the Syrian regime will never
peacefully surrender and no one on our side has had an adequate response to
this.” This serves to keep your points relevant in the debate and at the top of
the judges minds, and forces the other speaker to combat your material.
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